Planning application - FUL/2024/0033

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Full Application
Pump Farm, Weston Green Road, Weston Longville, Norfolk NR9 5LA
Change of use of dwelling and converted barn (C3 Use Class) to a temporary care home (C2 Use Class).
Director of Children's Services
County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH
NPS Property Consultants Ltd
280 Fifers Lane Norwich NR6 6EQ
Weston Longville
Reepham ED

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Document File type Size Created Date
Planning Application Forms
Plans & Drawings
Supporting Reports & Documents
Correspondence & Consultations (Statutory Consultees)

Constraints List

Ground Water Vulnerability Area
Groundwater Source Protection Zones ID: 3
Groundwater Source Protection Zones ID: 3
Water Management Area; Name: Eastern
Agricultural Land (class): Grade 3
SSSI Constraint:
Norwich Airport Max Build Height: 15
Norwich Airport Max Build Height: 45
Norwich Airport Bird Attractant Area
NCC Property: Pump Farm

Consultee List

Consultee name Date sent Consultation expiry date Date received
Arboricultural Team Norfolk County Council 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Broadland District Council 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Designing Out Crime Officer 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 01/07/2024
Environmental Health Officer Broadland DC 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Highway Authority (NCC) 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Norfolk Fire Service - Community Fire Protection Dept 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Reepham Division 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
The Open Spaces Society 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Weston Longville Parish Council 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -