Planning application - FUL/2024/0028

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Full Application
34 Rightup Lane, Wymondham, NR18 9NB
Installation of air source heat pump
Norfolk County Council
County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich Norfolk NR1 2DH
Hudson Architects
37 St. Andrews Street Norwich NR2 4TP
South Norfolk
Forehoe ED

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Planning Application Forms
Plans & Drawings
Supporting Reports & Documents
Correspondence & Consultations (Statutory Consultees)

Constraints List

Ground Water Vulnerability Area
Historic Landfill Site; Name: Rightup Road; Owner: Atlas Aggregates Limited
Groundwater Source Protection Zones ID: 3
Groundwater Source Protection Zones ID: 3
Water Management Area; Name: Eastern
Scheduled Ancient Monument; ID: 1003992; Name: Wymondham Abbey
Scheduled Ancient Monument; ID: 1003991; Name: Market cross
Agricultural Land (class): Grade 3
Agricultural Land (class): Grade 4
Agricultural Land (class): Urban
Local Nature Reserve; Name: Toll's Meadow, Wymondham; Status: Declared
SSSI Constraint:
Norwich Airport Max Build Height: 90
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Conservation Area: Wymondham Conservation Area
Inspected Tree Groups; Species: Mixed broadleaves; Common Name: ; Site: Rightup Lane, Wymondham
NCC Property: 34 Right Up Lane
Within Norwich Policy Area
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange, Wymondham - Slip on SB from Rbt to PQC
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange - Start slip off NB to B1135 overbridge
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: Wymondham Bypass - U78351 to start slip off NB
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange - B1135 overbridge to end slip on SB
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange - Start slip off SB to B1135 overbridge
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange - B1135 overbridge to end slip on NB
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/25; Name: Wymondham Bypass - U78351 overbridge to C594 overbridge
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: Wymondham Bypass - End slip on SB to U78351
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/25; Name: Wymondham Bypass - C594 overbridge to U78351 overbridge
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange, Wymondham -Slip off NB end PQC to Rbt
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Tuttles Lane Interchange, Wymondham - Slip on SB from PQC
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange, Wymondham - Slip on NB
Trunk Road Section Ref: A11/26; Name: B.1135 Browick Road Interchange, Wymondham -Slip off NB to end PQC
Tibenham Airfield: 13km wildlife safeguarding circle

Consultee List

Consultee name Date sent Consultation expiry date Date received
Arboricultural Team Norfolk County Council 10/06/2024 01/07/2024 01/07/2024
Environmental Health Officer South Norfolk DC 10/06/2024 01/07/2024 26/06/2024
Forehoe 10/06/2024 01/07/2024 -
South Norfolk Council 10/06/2024 01/07/2024 -
Wymondham Town Council 10/06/2024 01/07/2024 20/06/2024